In 2009 in collaboration with Judit Ungvari Martin, Juan Pablo Gomez and Elena Ortiz and with the support of Project Amazonas, we initiated a 10-day short field ecology course designed to provide a collaborative environment in which students from Latin American universities practiced using research tools to help them design independent research projects. Under the constant emphasis of a hypothesis-prediction framework students we have. We have held the course five times from 2009-2015 in Peru and Colombia with the participation of 85 students from five separate countries.
Perú 2009
Perú 2010
Colombia 2012

Given that many of my colleagues and I spent a lot of time camping out and eating rice and beans, we decided we could do a field course if students were willing to do the same. We volunteer, the students pay their way, we eat a super healthy high fiber-vegetarian diet for 10 days and wah lah!!!!-you get science on a budget and a free diet course all rolled into one!!

Over the years of experiences living and working in Latin America, we have seen international projects that fund workshops to undergraduate biologists that result in students acquiring lots of tools. However there are few, if any, opportunities for students learn and practice research design.

Perú 2011
Colombia 2015

Colombia 2015